The process of detoxification has been around since old times. For centuries, various cultures around the world have been practicing it. It is considered as one of the main components in many Chinese and ayurvedic medicinal systems.

Many of us have probably heard of the health benefits of detoxification. When you detoxify, you feed your body with healthy nutrients that help maintain the optimum range of health. Not only does this help us lose weight, but it assists in eliminating toxic substances from our bodies as well. Due to its various advantages, this process is becoming a fast trend and the main component in many fitness routines.

What is Detoxification, and Why is It Important?

As its name suggests, detoxification is primarily the process by which our body gets rid of toxic substances. The human body itself has a lot of natural pathways, such as the skin, kidneys, lungs, colon, and liver, which enable detoxification to occur.

Even with these natural mechanisms, it is impossible to rid our bodies entirely of toxic substances. It is because we are exposed to many preservatives, pollutants, heavy metals, and pesticides daily. These toxins are stored in our cells and tissues and cause harm to our bodies. They can take a toll on not only the metabolic processes but also our mental health.

In the worst cases, the prolonged accumulation of these toxins in our body can cause cancer. If we properly detoxify our body, vital organs such as our liver can cleanse themselves of any toxicant present inside them and can function normally.

Benefits of Detoxification

Following a detox program can help the natural cleansing process of our body by:

  • Improving blood circulation
  • Allowing elimination of toxins through our intestines (in the form of feces), skin (by sweating), and our kidneys (through urine)
  • Resting our organs through fasting

According to many doctors, the best way to detox is by consuming a diet rich in plants. Below we have discussed in detail plant-based detoxification, finding out when you should follow the detoxification process and the benefits of the plant-based detoxification process.

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